Copyright Statement

December 2021

©2021 CLP Holdings Limited. All rights reserved. 

Unless specified otherwise, references in this site to "CLP" and the "CLP Group" shall mean CLP Holdings Limited, its subsidiaries and affiliates. 


This website is subject to copyright under Hong Kong law. All materials included on the CLP Group website (“this website”) are protected by copyright. Unless otherwise specified, all intellectual property, logos, trademarks and databases are the property of the CLP Group. If there is material owned by third parties who may or may not display a copyright notice, failure to do so does not imply to grant you a right to copy or reproduce or supply any such material. 


This copyright is, by the application of international conventions, protected under the laws of many other countries. Except for the sole purpose of viewing, printing, accessing or using the website for your own purposes, no part of this website may be reproduced or copied, modified, edited, extracted, altered, quoted or transmitted in any form or by any means unless with the written permission of the CLP Group. 

Users are not authorised to use the materials on this website or any part for the purpose of advertising or promoting a product, service or other subject or item nor to give the impression that it is endorsed, supported by or associated with the website. 


Users are responsible for complying with all applicable copyright laws and are not permitted to frame this website nor link a page other than the home page without the express written permission of the CLP Group. 


The CLP Group recognises that press agencies and journalists may wish to use images from this website. Downloading and use of images from  Resources  section of this website for journalistic purposes is permitted on the conditions that where the image(s) is used in any publication the: 


  1. source of the image(s) is clearly identified; and 

  2. images are not altered, edited, or deformed in any way or sold for profit.  


By permitting users to download and use images from this website, CLP Group shall not be deemed to be granting any license or other rights to these users.